Thursday, October 17, 2019


Image result for sukkah
Beautiful she cow's udder's buttery toasted white pure bread, first thing in the morning mourning missing you so hard a butter not a fly that tastes better than anything in the entire world. To taste its great golden essence as you lick off its sweetness rolling your tippy tongue in the musical mixed fresh fruit jelly jam jellied not jammed. 

The Etrog and Lulav, the freshness of natural Etrog fruit a wonderful smell. To wave the Lulav over and around to chase away evil spirits, to hand it to your fellow for him to do the same.

A black and orange butterfly a Monarch Butterfly, a t-shirt of khaki green army green a very meaningful Veteran's Day of army greenness to show all how we fought the wars and what we won. What did we win? We won butterflies to admire to have thankfulness to praise their beauty swinging to and fro flying in our Mr. Roger's residential housed neighborhoods to catch a butterfly in a butterfly net and to pin it proudly to a plaque on our wall, a butterfly of loveliness, eternity, sweetness, lovingkindness, incredibleness, far out wow, dynamite, ingenious, pretty, a butterfly to forever be as we see it as an image on a painted China plate Porcelain, a painting. A purified Kosher plate washed under boiling water.

This Land of Butterflies, where is it where does it come from? Is a Butterfly a symbol of God? Can it be? Can anything be a symbol of God as long as it is not an idol. No idols! But we have the nine armed Chanukah Menorah and our comforting two Candles to chase away the darkness of a nasty night and B'somim Spices aromatic incense, a chilly chalice filled with sweet red purple Kosher wine. Not an image or sculpture or rock to use as an idol. 

To be dining in your Sukkah in your backyard to there use a plastic or wooden Sukkah shelter booth built a tent, dew in the morning as it waters the air the sky clouds zooming by a fog a frost to hang up gourds vines a vineyard lovely artwork, but not as idols as instead gorgeousness. Or if you desire to minus the visuals and instead to use natural wooden posts and walls. Branches. Leaves. To have a ceiling that is composed of willow branches, not to sleep there if there is rain. 

Pray for rain soothing sustenance for our farms cornfields a great harvest for the world to be fed. A Sushi dinner in a Sukkah? A Jewish worship service. A delight. A living light of the beaming brilliance the rays of Ein Sof.  

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