Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Image result for eskimos in igloo
A trip to Alaska? Wherever there's snow? Frigid cold climates, how to warm up? Freezing outside warm inside.

Wearing layers and layers of sheep skin. Remembering skidding and sliding during trips to a Forest Preserve with a huge hill, sliding down it in toboggans and sleds. Steering sleds commanding which ever way they turn, avoiding boulders, hanging on for dear life.

Visions of peppermint candy canes with beverages of hot chocolate drinks in heavy stone cups, the skin of burnt milk floating on the top. One slurp and it is all gone. Seconds please?

Ice skating, playing sports hockey, building igloos, creating snowmen as your companions, a carrot for a nose, charcoal bricks as eyes, and a twig as a mouth curling upwards in a compassionate sweet smile.

Not a kid anymore? But you long to be one?

Fighting with your siblings throwing snowballs back and forth, hiding in your snow fort to avoid the entourage. Want to come in? Hot chocolate to sweeten your disposition?

Eskimos in snow forts igloos sewing heavy wool clothing, teeth wearing away as they chew blubber from their latest prey kill, a Blue Whale. Like bubble gum. Always flowing with saliva in the mouth, never thirsty, although a cup of hot water is just a snowfall melting into drinking water, just a small bon fire away.

Childhood memories becoming present day recreations, gum chewing, sibling entanglements, vessels like Jonah's gourds filled to the brim with steaming hot milk, got milk? Yes, in my tummy, peacefully warming my gut, time for another trip up Mount Sinai, to sled down again after seeing a Burning Bush.

Who is the director of this movie? God is our Director, He is Film Maker and Artist, Actor and Writer, call to Him and He will write your stories, books of Memoirs as spoken to Moses, as also spoken to you, as you call to Moses and God and Pray for Their Love.

Love and Fear, Moses and God, hearing voices, seeing things? No, but I wish I was!!

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