Friday, January 19, 2018


Image result for sunken treasure of a pirate ship

Pirates. Who were they and who are they now? Sinbad the Sailor Man. The Peg Leg. Wooden arms and wooden legs, a hook for a hand to reach out and grab you! Who were these "pirates", the thieves of the Great Seas. Sailing from Europe, China, tropical islands, wearing high knee level shiny patent leather boots. To do what? To kick like a Russian dancer, but aiming at your gut, but in self-defense?

Ships that sailed at night, robbing other ships, today, modern day yachts. Dancing of Playboys and Playgirls aboard, Hugh Hefner died last year. His ship sunk. Was he a pirate? Legs tied and body chained, hung and then thrown him ashore, Houdini he was not, a rock on his ankle, he sunk to the bottom of the ocean, never to surface, to melt in volcanic lava under seas, while searching for treasure chests, old torn maps that led to nowhere.

Pirates who steal what originally belonged to them and now is in the hands of the thieves who claim innocence? To find the lost treasure, but what is this treasure? Being something you never thought possible? 

Is it a wooden box? A bottle floating in the sea containing a map? Is treasure the water of the seas itself? Are they the stones and seashells scattered on the seashore?

God is invisible and indivisible, but can we see Him? Call to Him and ask Him to appear and to help you. He is your Treasure. God alone, and God only. The One God of Sarah and Avraham, Moses, Aaron, Isaac, Jacob, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. All of your family tree. The tree being the Etz Hayyim, The Tree of Life. But not to worship the tree.

A pirate whose treasure is not gold or silver. Treasure instead is his relationship to God. Modern day pirates, doctors floating in modern yachts on weekends. Not thieves, instead life savers. Were we duped? A doctor who keeps you alive, and when he is not there, God is with you instead. Wow! How awesome!

To toast a drink to "L' Chaim! To life! To health! To love!"

Love? Love who? To love, be in awe, praise, and thank the God of lovingkindness, ADONAI, for being your constant companion.

Yes, it is possible, you can have it all!      

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