Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Image result for musical rocket

Boarding a rocket, outer space? Another universe? How many universes are out there? Two thousand? Is it never ending. The homes of Ein Sof which means the Gd of eternity, has always been and always will be, and always was.

How can we get in tune with music as our vehicle, our rocket into the land of music, music being the on-going voice of Gd. To want to hear Gd, to tune into natural sounds of nature, the birds, the jumping fish, the delicate soprano sound of water rushing from a nearby stream. Are these natural sounds really music? Is or can music be these natural sounds that we "tame" with our symphonic musical instruments?

The sounds of a Classical music radio station, always plugged into at least one ear. To have an ear to hear people while the other ear is plugged in. Sounds of music, like the movie Sound of Music. "Just a spoonful of music and the medicine goes down. The medicine goes down! The medicine goes down!"

Is or can music be a medicine? The calmness or excitement of musical drums and flutes. A trumpet or a Shofar? Not guns going off, instead cymbals being clanged. The outer tray that covers a meal, in the shape of a cymbal and removed to let out the hot steam, to be eaten warm as warm roasted meat or fish. A fish that had the music in his heart, as he swam every wave Gd rolled onto his fins.

Music? Can we listen to music all day long? Please? Can we listen to music while we nap our afternoon nap?

Answer: I don't see why not.

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