Thursday, March 15, 2018


Image result for red jewish wristwatch

To find your Landsmen in your environment, the "coming out" as a Jew, the Esthers in your life, to see her/his thread, a crimson or red thread on his/her wrist. To identify whether someone is a Jew or not. Why red? Why a thread? To use a red wristwatch for the same purpose?

What is this thread and why do we as Jews wear it? Simple, we need to know one another, who is our Landsmen and who are not.

The origin comes from Rivkah the Prophetess Wife of Isaac, Son of Avraham. Rivkah was pregnant with Esau and Jacob and they were born as twins, but not identical twins. Esau came out of her womb first, before Jacob and so she honored Esau as being first born by tying a red thread around his wrist. Oftentimes a piece of red yarn is used.

What does it mean? It means the wearer is a student of the Kabbalah. Jacob was born after Esau and Jacob held onto Esau's foot heal when born, loving his Brother from the beginning. Following in his footsteps. Achilles heal? Not so. Instead to cherish his brother and to honor him as being the Oldest Brother, a brother of the same Mother and same Father: The closest family union possible!! The DNA between these siblings being almost perfectly the same. Inherited sameness, but with a honor too of differences.

A red wristwatch? Same message/reason as wearing a red thread. If you do not own a red wristwatch, a cheap red thread will do for the same purpose.

Famous people wearing "Hollywood" red threads? No, not necessarily, instead a wearer of the red thread is to "come out" as a Jewish person. Not as a Hollywood actor/actress. A Jew also to be a brother/sister in a family of Jews, to study The Torah/Kaballah and to find other people as Jewish friends and contacts in our lives who study Torah too.

Landsmen? Lands(wo)men? Where are you and who are you? Thank Gd to know you! It is said that two Jews when in communication with each other summon the Presence of The Shekinah. Shekinah is another Name for Gd, female in gender. All it takes is a little red thread!

Little Red Riding Hood? Not even, there are no wolves accept those in your imagination. To fear, yes, and, to love, Who? Gd! To show your love with pride in being a Jew and to find friends who are also proud to be Jews, no matter where you go.  

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